♥ Thursday, January 31, 2008♥
it's only wednesday but seriously i need a break from work.
i practically have to drag myself to office every SINGLE day.
i'm starting to slack.
but the disapproval look from senior exec didnt leave any impact at all.sheesh!
i just cant be bothered.
patiently waiting till april.
as either i'll be a full-time student or find better job.
♥ Tuesday, January 22, 2008♥
different people,different understanding.
so there's a time where people will misinterpret your entry.
and arguing,tagging,bombarding etc wont be the best solutions.
but oh well. i shouldn't argue more.
as this will make thing worst.
we may come from the same tertiary institute.
we may learnt from the same ustazah.
but that doesn't mean we'll share the same understanding.
so yeah.
i rest my case.
♥ Monday, January 21, 2008♥
dakwah has to be done by the sunnah of Rasullullah s.a.w.because Success is only achievable when u obey the rasul.
wow.i didnt know that dakwah HAS to be done by the sunnah of Rasullulah only.
then how about ijtihad,ijma para sahabat,al-qiyas and so on?
they all also ade peranan dlm meyebarkan dakwah.
ni semua kan timbul after zaman Rasulullah.
so klau lah dakwah HAS to be done by the sunnah of rasulullah,ape gunenye para sahabat berijtihad semua?
dakwah is just a term that being used when u share some knowledge with others.
it's not necessarily has to be Islamic oriented.
as different situation,you'll have to use different approach.
even by just sharing your experiences with others,it can be considered dakwah.
even through sessions of general quiz also can be considered as dakwah.
it's undeniable everything we do must berpandukan kepada al-qur'an n al-sunnah.
budden u also must consider the roles of other perundangan islam yg lain as well.
♥ Monday, January 07, 2008♥
since when dakwah have to be islamic oriented...?
♥ Tuesday, January 01, 2008♥
when the clock strikes 12,it would be the beginning of 2008.
i wonder how things gonna be.
will there be more challenges that i have to go through.
like what love always tell me,'tkmo byk pikir'
so i guess just take one thing at a time.
and speaking of love,
it also marks our 7th.
I can be an expressive person; to blog almost about everything.
But experiences taught me that some things are better to be left unsaid.
NEVER assume that you'll know me by solely reading the entries.